Comfort in a keyboard…

Life lessons

The devil, the smile and the picnic blanket…

Have you ever wondered where beliefs come from that don’t serve us?

You know the ones. Things such as – if you aren’t married or have a partner, you’re unlovable, or that good things only happen to other people; or that you’re unworthy, or ugly, or fat…..the list goes on!

This post isn’t meant to be negative.

What I’d actually like to do is share a really interesting dream I had (I love my dream life), that uncovered some beliefs I held, and made it clear that they were false!!

It started with a picnic with the devil.

I believe that dreams can tell us many things, and are a source of great wisdom and clarity about what is happening for us.

This is how it my dream went down.

I saw myself at around 14 years of age, seated on a blanket with a group of my old school friends. We were joined by a devilish ‘friend’ who looked a bit like the photo above. He was incredibly charming, even gently charismatic. He was smiling, and engaging in conversation, he even sung to us! When he sung, and a horrible devilish sound came out, he reassured us not to be bothered by that , and justified it, so that the rapport he was trying to develop with us wasn’t lost. We were enthralled by this chap and hung on his every word.

But guess what! He was a liar! He wasn’t to be trusted, but as naive teens we were putty in his hand.

So what did this dream teach me

I learnt that beliefs I took on in my teens weren’t true. I had a strong need to be accepted and approved of, as many of us do, but I had carried this belief into my adult years, and it wasn’t healthy. If I didn’t feel accepted, I felt that I wasn’t good enough. Why did I have to wait until my 40’s to learn that!!?

Is there something here for you?

Who or what are you ‘dining’ with that may be deluding you?

Each of us are individuals, unique in our own way. We don’t need acceptance by others to be valuable, regardless of what false beliefs we hold about that.

We just need to accept ourselves….


Krishna xx


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