Comfort in a keyboard…


Help! I have a teenager…

My son turned 12 last week.

His birthday is on Anzac day. It was his due date and he turned up right on cue, and at a very respectable 12.48pm! God love him!

I love him so much. He is a beautifully sensitive boy, and we have the same sense of humor. We just get each other.

The other thing we have in common is our inner sensitivity. The difference is I’ve learnt to hide mine behind a tough exterior, but his is there for all to see. Now he is hitting the tumultuous teens, he’s really feeling it deeply, and it shows. There’s been tears every day after school this week. He’s an easy target at school, and the kids on the bus aren’t kind (one particular girl in particular), and he reacts emotionally.

Quite frankly I’m not sure how to handle it.

I’m posting this as a call for – well, something! I’m not sure what! Not sure who to talk to or where to turn. Most of my friends are past this stage and just respond with knowing glances and “oh yes, I remember’s” or “glad I’m past all that”…..

So my plea is HELP!! What can I do to help him navigate this turbulent time, and how and when do I leave him to learn his own lessons, and carve his own path.

Thank you to those reading my posts.

I appreciate you!



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